
Rye uses <settingscascade>. This means that config is set up as rule blocks with selectors, and you can merge multiple selectors to build up the actual config that is applied. Rye will look in the following locations- # The environment variable RYE_FILE (path to the file) # pyproject.toml # rye.yaml # rye.yml

It can parse both toml and yaml. In a toml file, data below the keey tools.rye is used. In yaml files, the root is used.

For example-

        target_environments: ["py37"]
        commands: [["pytest", "tests"]]
        isolate: true

All three of those settings would apply to task.pytest, while only the first would apply to task.lint and only the second to environment.pytest. The most specific rule that applies will override anything less specific- so task.pytest would overridde any common settings from task or .pytest.

Rye has a set of default configuration-

"current_working_directory": getcwd(),
"task_class": "rye.task:Task",
"env_class": "rye.environment:Env",
"default_tasks": [],
"base_location": ".rye",
"task": {"isolate": False, "target_environments": [], "commands": []},
"environment": {
    "location": ["{{ base_location }}", "{{ ('_', name, id) | join }}"],
    "clean_existing": True,
    "depends_files": [],
    "setup_commands": [["pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]],
    "create_command": [
        "{{ location | list_to_path }}",
    "install_command": [],
    "required": True,
"environment.python37": {"python": "python3.7"},
"environment.py37": {"python": "python3.7"},
"environment.python36": {"python": "python3.6"},
"environment.py36": {"python": "python3.6"},
"environment.python38": {"python": "python3.8"},
"environment.py38": {"python": "python3.8"},
"environment.python27": {"python": "python2.7"},
"environment.py27": {"python": "python2.7"},
"environment.poetry": {
    "install_command": ["poetry", "install"],
    "depends_files": ["poetry.lock"],
    "setup_commands": [["poetry", "install", "--no-root"]],
"environment.pip": {
    "install_command": ["pip", "install", "-e", "."],
    "depends_files": ["requirements.txt"],
    "setup_commands": [["pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"]],
"environment#local": {
    "location": ["{{ '' | current_venv }}"],
    "clean_existing": False,
    "python": "python",
"task.pytest": {"commands": [["pytest", "tests"]]},
"task.setup-local-poetry": {
    "commands": [["echo", "SETUP COMPLETE"]],
    "target_environments": ["environment.poetry#local"],
"task.setup-local-pip": {
    "commands": [["echo", "SETUP COMPLETE"]],
    "target_environments": ["environment.pip#local"],