Getting StartedΒΆ

Install rye using pip

pip install rye

Add rye config to your pyproject.toml file-

# Global key values go here- default_tasks is the list of
# tasks that will be run if you use `rye` with no sub-command
default_tasks = ["test", "lint", "format", "typing"]

# Each task can have a config block where it specifies
# the names of the environments it should run in. Each
# task will run once for every environment in the list-
# this will run the pytest task in the poetry.py37 and the
# poetry.py36 environments.
target_environments = ["poetry.py37", "poetry.py36"]

# notice the quotes around "task.pytest" - that is one key
# for rye, so needs quotes (toml would think it were a nested
# dict otherwise)

# Of course, sometimes we WANT a nested dict- in this case we
# want a slightly different command to run in the python3.6 env
# vs other environments
commands = [["pytest", "tests", "--no-cov"]]

# rye includes a number of default configurations such as task.pytest
# and environment.poetry. We can leave alone any setting that we are
# okay with the default value, or we can override them as we see fit
target_environments = ["poetry.py37"]
# commands should be specified as lists of strings like you would in a
# subprocess call or a Dockerfile. If you pass a string it'll try to
# do the right thing, but no promises.
commands = [["pylint", "src/rye", "tests"]]

target_environments = ["poetry.py37"]
# If you specify more then one command, they will be run in order.
commands = [
        ["black", ".", "--check"],
        ["isort", "-rc", "-tc", "--check-only", "src", "tests"],

target_environments = ["poetry.py37"]
commands = [
        ["mypy", "src/rye", "--ignore-missing-imports"],

Once you have configured your toml file, you can use rye or rye run to execute all of your tasks in parallel. If you wanted to just run one task, you could use rye run lint.